Tuesday, December 31, 2013


2013快过完了,感觉要上来写几个字才能安心过完这一年。时间过得真的很快,其实每年的12月31日我都不太会有特别的感觉,因为明天日子还是照过啊。可是今天是我做工的最后一天了,所以会有舍不得的感觉。虽然只做了一个星期多,可是真的蛮舍不得的,放工过后我还emo了一下叻。做工那边的人都很好 T_T 我知道我有做错了一些事,可是很感谢他们的包容,我学到了蛮多东西的。谢谢你们!

其实这份工应该可以继续做下去的,可是没有Zi Qi拍档就没什么乐趣了,而且我也是因为她才去做的啊。她要开学了咯,我也去见另一分工了咯,希望在另一个工作环境可以学到更多的东西! :D

2013对我来说真的是很有意义的一年,这一年我过得很精彩,很满足。我所说的精彩是心灵上的精彩,有起有落,虽说烦恼多了,我一个人安安静静想东西的时间也比往年多了很多,可是那应该是一种磨练 :) 很多事情都不像以前那么简单了。“世界很简单,人类很复杂” 人就是那么矛盾,那么犯贱,那么复杂。
2014也将会是很有意义的一年,我毕业了,离开了我的comfort zone,以后的路要怎样走就得自己决定了。2014将会认识一批新的同学,新的老师,和他们在一个新的校园环境下相处。我不知道那会是个怎样的环境,也不知道会遇到怎样的人,但是我希望以后的日子可以过得很精彩

星期日,跟我的老婆们去Kepong Jusco(其实是Aeon,可是改不了口)吃晚餐,让我们6个聚一聚,也当作是为雪恩饯行。雪恩要去当兵了咯,祝她一切顺利,在那边可以玩的开开心心。

我和秀倩去Jusco之前先去雪恩家给她生日惊喜,秀倩定了个Chocolate ice cream cake给她。可是雪恩的样子没有很惊喜 =_= 你可以不要这么冷静吗,装个吓到的样子安慰下我们不行吗 ==

我们边吃barbq plaza,边分享我们做工的事情。我们当中除了秋舜和雪恩之外,都有去做工。雪恩准备去当兵所以没做,而秋舜是因为去玩。她很爽咯,去了Australia又去Cambodia。我们吃完了晚餐后,还没讲够,就去甜品店继续讲,讲到人家打烊。如果以后可以经常这样子出来聊天我就感到很幸福了 =w= 秀倩说过等她会驾车后会常来找我喝茶的。我等你电话!

Tuesday, December 24, 2013

OMG 2013 gonna end soon 안돼애애~!

Looking at the calendar and suddenly realized that 2013 has almost come to an end. NOOOO why did time past so fast TT.

I had been really lifeless this december after spm. Lying on sofa and watch runningman and hongkong drama everyday. Well at least I did something not-so-useless: sweep and mop the floor. Lol and hang out with friends. Oh and edu fair.
I finally got a job last saturday. My friend called me and we worked together at the place where I worked for the first time-SSF. I think this job will only last for one week lol cause school gonna reopen(my friend is form4). And what will I do then? Continue the runningman marathon haha.

I always wanted to type an entry every night(the time when all human except for babies will overthink) but it's either my phone has low battery or... laziness makes me give up. I feel like I starting to type nonsense on this blog but whatever no one is browsing. Urghh I really need a place to express all my feelings. !#$&×=% $*)@

Wednesday, December 11, 2013

When things get complicated, erase everything and start over. That's how i solve a mathematics problem.

Wednesday, December 4, 2013



考试这一个月过得其实蛮快的,就读读书,上考场,读读书,上考场,然后就这样过完了。而且更本就没有我想象中的stress,我不是那种能够忍受坐在书桌十多个小时的人,当然也是玩玩读读的挨过了这个月。我妹妹还竟然在我考试这个月迷上了running man,超吸引人啊,真的超搞笑的,所以她看的时候,我通常也是跟着看(虽然我有努力尝试控制我自己 XD)

考SPM时,我最不舍得的科目是add maths TT 想想这是自己最后一张add maths paper了,add maths,我们以后会再见吗 =3= 然后我发现原来我自己也很舍不得chemistry,那些补习老师重复到我都要翻白眼了的东西,我以后都不用记了,还真的会不舍得 Orz 记得我刚上Form4时,最怕的科目是Chemistry,那时候想到要背一大堆化学名字,脚都软了。结果还不是船到桥头自然直,像我说的,任何东西还没学当然难,学了就容易咯。
还有还有,这一次SPM绝对是史上最怪的一次SPM!可是考都考完了,说多无畏,希望明年3月的那张spm sijil能让我尖叫。

没想到我的中学生涯就这样懵懵懂懂的过完了,我这5年来做了些什么?Hmm,最庆幸的是认识了一群猪朋狗友,感谢你们在我的生命中出现,为我的人生增添了不少色彩,希望我往后的人生你们都可以继续参与。咦 我这是在写作文吗 ==
除了朋友还有学校和老师啦,我都会想念的。这五年里有很多很多的回忆,当然我也学了不少东西。月桦因为这五年里的点点滴滴多多少少都有变了一点。那些重复了五年的生活:上学,考试,补习,等放假 我以后也会很怀念的。

考完了SPM我就要考车了,唉,上次听了undang然后拖到现在都还没去考 =3= 不能再拖了。

还有还有,要想想以后要继续读什么。这个问题从我form4开始就纠缠着我,到现在都还没有有答案。谁叫我没有一个坚定的志愿 =o= 很多在课业上的东西可能我现在觉得有兴趣,可是谁知道以后如果我从那个方面发展的话,学的东西可能是完全不一样的,不是我感兴趣的。… 所以我决定在家睡觉。

WEE WEE WEE 昨天是考SPM的最后一天,心里竟然没有舍不得的心情。大概是因为我在开始考SPM时已经伤心过了,那时候我因为接近离别的时刻很舍不得,可是当离别的时刻到来时,我却是懵懵的 =o= 还有另外一个原因是因为我考完最后一张考卷后我跟朋友去timesquare!吃了SPM结束后的第一餐,然后去看戏。我本来要看Catching fire的,可是错过了播映时间,所以就看婉琪很兴奋要看的Frozen =o= 其实蛮好笑的啦,那些雪花也很漂亮 :D

以前是有想过要打的,只是随便想想而已。可是晓慧要打,然后我又想打了,所以我们昨天就一起去打了。感觉我整个过程都是在懵的状态内。我坐在椅子上,那个人做了个记号,然后在我耳朵上喷药。“啊?我在做什么?”然后她用那个枪一“PANG!” “啊?我做了什么?” o_o 哈哈哈哈 感觉超像我的中学生涯,重头到尾我就这样懵懵的,结束后就在我身上留下了一点东西,一辈子都摸不去的东西。

Saturday, November 30, 2013



Monday, October 21, 2013

Live while we're young

离spm 还有多少天啊?不知道,我没倒数,你也不用告诉我,我只知道我还是一样懒而已。很多时间都坐在书桌,可是到底有没有读到书 == 我现在sibehhhh不想上学啊,可以一直缺课到spm开始才去回学校吗 =o=

昨天跟婉琪聊了些超赞的事,她问我考完华语那天(spm最后一天)有没有计划做些什么,我说还没啊,她就把她的主意告诉我。她说考完spm那天搭lrt去shopping mall, timesquare还是什么的。IN SCHOOL UNIFORM, SCHOOL SHOES, SCHOOL BAG, NERD HAIRSTYLE. (Y) 去那边打机场玩,拍大头贴,好像ponteng将。因为那是最后一天穿校服了,最后一天being a high school student了,最后一天"ponteng"了,LIVE WHILE WE'RE YOUNG. 还蛮YOLO的,我从来没试过也,听起来好好玩,而且最后一天了也,当然是要做一些疯狂的事情来留念!

Thursday, October 17, 2013


今天婉琪告诉我还有19天spm就要到了 :o 那么快吗?没关系,反正考试时间表蛮松的,很多时间给我抱佛脚 :p 这几个星期算是有温习啦,可是进度蛮慢的。怎么我感觉好像还蛮轻松的,我好像很chillax一下,在学校有空节还是不会拿书出来读 =3= 打算开始减少去学校的次数了,因为呆在家里的话可以有更多时间温习。考完trial后,一开始我还真的打算每天乖乖去上学的,可是很多同学都不来哦,而且有些老师很爱缺课!昨天encik vicky也鼓励我们留在家读书,不要来学校浪费时间。浪费时间?哈哈,好吧,我听你的。

有人问我aim多少个A哦,想就肯定想要straight A啦,可是我觉得自己应该有能力拿7/8个A而已。中四开始的成绩就一直都保持在这个水平,没拿过10A =3= 因为我不完美。而且我最没信心的一科是华语!我trial的华语成绩竟然拿C+,最低分的一科,我都想揍我自己了,SPM时华语怎么办啦 TT 通常没有A的科目是国语和华语,可我现在对华语这一科的恐惧比较多,妈咪咪咪咪 =_____= 语文科从小就不好 =o=


今天我学校好热闹哦,因为有日本学生来我们学校,malaysian-japanese culture exchange programme. 两百多位日本学生来我们学校,我学校的学生都很期待,男的期待看日本妹,女的期待看日本帅哥 LOL 日本学生还没来之前我就和美恩她们聊起义海豪情这套戏,美恩她太好笑了吧,说什么有“萝卜头”入侵我们学校,要找刘醒来,哈哈哈哈啊哈 笑死我了。我学校的学生真的有点。。太疯了吧?(虽然我也算是一份子)当我看到日本来的学生下巴士时,他们没穿他们自己的校服,(啊 失望 =3= )所以他们就跟我们没什么分别啊,我学校的学生表现的好像有点。。。太热情了,日本学生会不会以为我们没看过人类 XD

我承认我也是一直在看帅哥啦,可是没看到特别特别帅的(眼光太高了 XD),可是有几个长得挺好看的 >_< (以貌取人的家伙)有些日本女学生很美!眼镜大大鼻子挺挺的有蛮多个!好羡慕她们学校没限制发型,=3= 不要绑就不要绑。

他们有表演跳舞,蛮好看的,还有一些穿着mickey mouse, donald duck的衣服跳,kawaiii ><

没有跟日本学生拍到任何照片,因为他们不是三头六臂啊 =3= 我又不认识他,留恋个屁。(没拍到照才会说这样的话的 XD)

回到家看到facebook twitter 到处都是跟日本学生的合照,twitter还一大堆日本字 哇老,你真的会咩 == 真的。。有需要夸张到好像PSY来了我们学校这样吗?那些日本学生都好像变明星了似的。放学到现在这个话题没停过,我都闲了。

今天雪恩,晓慧,秀倩把迟来的生日礼物送给秋舜,秋舜很开心!因为礼物是兵长的枕头,秋舜很喜欢进击的巨人,她尖叫了 ≧◇≦ 而且我们plan的惊喜很成功!她完全没有心理准备,yeah! 枕头里面我们也放了一张。。不算是卡也不算是信的东西,嘻嘻。我的演技很好吧!其实我超会装蒜的,所以不要以为我真的笨,老娘精明得很! :P

Sunday, September 29, 2013

One of the best nights

最近有写blog也,哈哈,因为有些特别又开心的日子一定要记下来,回忆都太美好了。我这个9月过得很开心 ♥♥♥


不懂是期待还是烦恼很久了的Farewell Night终于来了!
那天放学后秋舜,晓慧,和雪恩都来我家,因为我家靠近dinner的地点(aka brp club),所以就在我家准备后才一起去 :D

放学后,我就把我的第一次给了秋舜。。第一次戴隐形眼镜 o.o 秋舜和我都是第一次去买,但由于我们买的太急了,所以秋舜的度数没有货,可是她近视度不是很深,所以可以不带。而我的度数就只有monthly的,所以我就买了一双monthly的。雪恩和晓慧都是戴惯隐形眼镜的,所以我叫她们教我戴就行了,不用在眼镜店里学戴。很感谢雪恩,我半个小时多就带上去了,感动哦,第一次而已叻,连我也觉得自己太神了(拼命泼头发)。带上去后的那一刻真的很感动,妈呀,我小学戴眼镜以后,第一次不用鼻梁上顶着眼镜框就能这么高清地看东西 T__T 

我妈咪知道我朋友来我家还特地买了几包零食给我们吃,我平时一天开十次冰箱都没东西给我吃 TT


话说我从小学毕业典礼表演那次化妆过后,就几年没化过妆了。o.o 然后我弄卷我的头发,可是因为没东西搽来让他定型,我的卷发不到一个小时就直回了 :( 算啦,就让他直直咯。可是晓慧的卷就耐得蛮久的,为什么我的不能!

等我们四位小姐都快准备好后,秀倩也来我家了,我不知道她有来也!我看到秀倩的打扮后立刻给了她妈咪一个thumb up! "Auntie, good job!" 竟然叫的动秀倩穿裙子高跟鞋,还化妆叻!这不是mission impossible还是什么!(我好像讲的夸张了点 哈哈)她们四位的裙子都不约而同的黑,只有我是蓝色的 哈哈

我们五个一起去brp club,感觉真的超开心,她们是我中一交的死党,现在我们一起走进hall出席Farewell dinner,很特别很特别的感觉涌完上心头。感动感动感动。我们以前看到学长学姐们在毕业晚会上的照片时都会讨论以后轮到我们时我们要怎样怎样,现在这一天到了,感觉有没有很奇妙?哈哈 :)

当晚很好玩很开心,食物还不错,我跟很多打扮得帅帅美美的朋友拍照 :D 我最开心的就是跳舞和中奖!吃完东西后,台上的人唱浪漫的歌,有一些情侣被推出去跳舞了,我和晓慧也出去跳,哈哈。我们都不会跳啊,乱晃的,可是很好玩 :D 我第二次跳是和阿白跳,感谢晓慧,哈哈。(我知道你现在肯定又是在称赞自己了)第二轮还是两个不会跳舞的在舞池跳舞,哈哈。"I learnt a bit"的意思是只学了跳舞的第一个步骤(站在舞池)吗?没有害羞啊,就整个傻婆将搭着他的肩跟他跳了半首歌,哈哈哈哈哈,我很开心 :D

啊!我在lucky draw中了大奖!真的是发梦也没想过我会有这样的运气!一直以来我都觉得抽中奖这些事情很难会发生在我身上,可是昨晚不知道哪来的运气,让我带了一架ipod shuffle 回家 WEEEEEE :D 我好像有开心到在台前跳了起来 XD 这好像是我人生中第一次在幸运抽奖中赢奖,而且还是大奖,137,我会记住这个号码的! :D

差不多10点时,台上唱的歌就转型变很high的歌了,大家也很配合地high起来乱跳 PAR-TAYYYY :D 我也是好像被打了兴奋剂将很high,跳到整个傻婆将。台上毕业了的学长学姐们那么卖力地表演,你不配合的话你对得起他们吗 :p 过后还有DJ,我玩得很开心,过后也干脆把鞋子脱了来跳,因为高跟鞋好像快要被我跳坏了 XD

很难忘的一晚,很开心心心心的一晚,我会把这一晚好好收在我宝贵的记忆宝盒里。第一次戴隐形眼镜,第一次化妆打扮美美,第一次和男生跳舞,第一次幸运中奖,都在这一晚了 :D WEE WEE WEEEEE 感觉好幸福

因为那晚灯光没有很好,我电话拍的照片不是很美,所以我一直叫静怡用他的相机帮我拍照。静怡,我要照片 T_T 

还有一个很欠扁的lucky girl

幸福的小狗留 ♥♥♥♥♥

Saturday, September 21, 2013




昨天是本小姐的生日,我过得很开心啊啊啊啊啊 :D TEEHEE
早上和下午跟晓慧去The Curve和One Utama逛街,晓慧还请我吃sakae呢 :D
该死的,我前一天练舞练到手手脚脚的肌肉很痛 T_T 之前练都不会肌肉酸痛啊,
应该是因为那天练的部分有跳跳下的动作,我的体能真的那么差吗 ._.
虽然整身酸痛啦,可是我还是玩到很开心 ;D
本来我是想去买毕业晚会的鞋子的,结果买了一条裙子回来,女生逛街是这样的啦 /.\
我跟晓慧有试几条裙子,在One Utama里,其中一间店的试衣间超美!
那间试衣间蛮大的,有两面大镜子,还有一张沙发!而且墙壁还有花纹的叻 o_o
我们在里面待蛮久的,待到有人敲门 XD
为了吃sakae我和晓慧走了好远的路,虽然我脚痛,但是晓慧请叻,值了。 XD
可是过后竟然怪我害她花了很多钱,什么跟什么嘛 =___=
关心你的脸才叫你买面膜的,关心你add maths不好才叫你买练习书的,为什么你感受不到我满满的爱呢 :*

算了,反正我从来都不会写形象跟气质这几个字。最近大小眼 o.O
那盘东西很好吃!!!可是吃完要减肥了,不然穿不下毕业晚会的裙子 ;P

秋舜亲手做的,一针一线都是她亲手包办的,好感动哦哦哦 T__T

跟这个兔兔盒子比起来我送她的DIY手链真的是要靠边站,我给这只可爱兔兔取的名字是小玉 ^_^
现在有了小玉我就可以什么东西都丢进去里面,梳妆台看起来没那么乱 哈哈
话说现在小玉已经装满了东西 =o=

然后她就弹了首生日歌给我听 >w< 我录了起来哦
上次秋舜生日我用吹口哨吹了首生日歌给她听,走完音的生日歌 哈哈
谢谢你 我爱你

她们竟然给我去猜灯谜也不过来陪我!灯谜那么好猜吗 =o=
我和晓慧听到秀倩和雪恩在猜灯谜时都掉下巴了,灯谜不是你这种智商的人猜的好吗 :P
我一听到就摇头说不可以了,(是的,我很衰 /.\)
可是当我看清楚时,原来是她和秀倩送我的礼物,我立刻猛点头讲:“可以!可以!我帮你收我帮你收!来来来,我bag很多位!” (欠扁的家伙)


我问雪恩是不是拼木时她还不承认叻!明明就是!老娘太精明了 (泼头发)

啊啊啊啊啊 秀倩倩倩倩倩 谢谢你那么记得我说过的话 我提过想要而已  T^T

把火传给大家,我好喜欢这样哦!台上还有跳舞和beatbox表演,很热闹! :D



 其实我跟秀倩同高 ^_^v


啊啊啊 为什么我的朋友都那么爱弄我尖叫 我爱死你了 :*

收到的礼物我都好喜欢哦,谢谢你们 T_T

白白还给了我一个birthday hug,为什么我没抱紧一点啦 >w<


Monday, September 9, 2013


我回来了 T__T 都差点忘了自己是有个blog的。
之前说什么准备考试很忙,没时间更新,根本就是屁话,结果还不也是临时抱佛脚,还要担心考出来的成绩能不能看 ._. 
考完Trial开心一下就好了,因为接下来要应付的就是SPM了 T_T 


这一切都是因为朋友影响:PENGARUH RAKAN SEBAYA,以后写作文记得写这个point。


这么为我终身幸福着想的朋友有几个 T_T 然后妈咪答应了 YEAH!

去到sunway那边meet了欣慈姐姐的朋友,她22岁,可是你跟别人说她13岁都有人相信,真的 =_=
看到entrance那边很多人排队,超级多!而且很晒,所以我们放弃排队,进去sunway pyramid里面。
我在sunway pyramid里的一个窗前看到EXO在舞台上彩排 T_T 
真的是做梦也没想到我会看到他们真人,老天对我太好了。虽然距离真的很远,我看到的也真的很小,但是已经够了 T_T
非常非常高兴KRIS在自我介绍和大部分表演时都站在舞台左边(我在左边),真人版的KRIS真的可以一个眼神杀死你 T_T 他讲很多话也,用英文,say EXO EXO! 心脏再次停止跳动。而且他还半脱外套,是想勾引谁啊 T_T (马来西亚很热,我知道,以后你穿背心够了。花痴指数爆表。)
他们都跟照片一样帅,太完美了 T____T 舞蹈也超棒!唱365时还一直招手 T__T
这4首歌的时间过得真的很快!一下子就没了,可是对我来讲已经很幸福了 T_T 

第一次亲眼看见自己的偶像,感觉超棒! :D 可是想起我昨天的样子真的是超级狼狈 =_= 早就扩出去了!
“如果再不离开,就会有危机!” 败给你很久了。 

影响学业,=3= 其实我考试那2个星期我都很乖,没去看EXO的视频,复习时他们还是我的动力。而且我那么理智,不会做什么傻事的啦,:D


Monday, July 8, 2013

Minions fever


BABABA-BABANANA! The banana fever is back lol. People been talking about minions a lot lately. Kay lah, i like cute minions too. >_< 

想打英文的,可是感觉很kek shui,想打华语的,可是感觉也很kek shui。

昨天跟晓慧和我妹去OU看电影,一次过看2套:Despicable Me 2 & World War Z
晓慧想看World War Z很久了,可是他问了很多人都没有人可以跟他看
我们知道那天郑嘉颖有来,可是因为看戏时间撞上他来的时间,所以就错过了看leng zai的机会 =3=

说实话,Despicable Me 2的笑点其实没有很高(本人笑点很高的ok,我可以淡定地看完一本平旦漫画)
除了Minions,这套戏里最可爱的就是Agnes了!她好天真好可爱哦,我太喜欢她了 >w< 
Minion在戏结尾唱的那2首歌也很搞笑,我那时候看到那只Minion在扮深情唱情歌时真的是有种想去揍他的冲动 XD 
这是其中一首,我现在才知道原来歌词中有underwear LOL 


看完Despicable我们就赶去gsc看World War,
World War Z真的很好看,很刺激,看到其中一幕时我的心脏跳得比将军令还快。
虽然知道主角不会出事的(戏都是这样的啦),可是还是会跟着他一起紧张。(我好入戏哦 XD)

在OU的Mcd吃午餐时,本来是想要买happy meal的(有minion送),可是那边的mcd竟然没有happy meal! =3= 

Monday, July 1, 2013


You would not believe your eyes
If ten million fireflies
Lit up the world as I fell asleep


The above picture was the evening scene of Kuala Selangor, how beautiful! 
Yea so yesterday i went to Kuala Selangor with my aunt, uncle, my pretty cousins and my sista :D My sisters and i had zero idea that we would be going Kuala Selangor yesterday. My cousin suddenly called me in the afternoon and said:"Hey, standby! We're going to Kuala Selangor later!" WHAT Okay... We went there around 2pm. When we reached there, we had a hi-tea first. And then went to Bukit Melawati(so many monkeys at there XD) and an aquarium(i think so) by the tourist train. 

After that we went to a restaurant to have seafood meal. Uhh that restaurant got blacklisted by us. We waited quite long for the food. And when i had my first bite of the lala, it's cold WTH. I don't mind if you cooked that two hour ago, but at least reheat for us la! So after that i didn't have a good mood to enjoy to food. 

After the meal, FIREFLIES! We initially thought to go home after meal cause it's late already and we're having school on the other day, but i forgot whose idea was that to watch fireflies anyway. :D Our Kuala Selangor Trip is a happy trip with fireflies, it wouldn't be complete without fireflies :DDD 

The fireflies were really amazing and beautiful! We watched the fireflies on sampan, the man rowed the sampan near a tree and we can see the tree was flashing because there were so many fireflies on it! It looked just like a christmas tree! I really didn't believe my eyes and i thought it was fake until a firefly landed on my hand! OMG At that moment, i wished i could catch a bottle of fireflies and bring it home. But... leave them at the trees for the others to enjoy la :D Too bad my poor phone camera couldn't take any picture of the fireflies at night but the wonderful scene had been captured by my eyes and it will be saved in my heart forever. 

The girls ;) I don't know why we take pictures at the playground. 

My sister and i. I remember we have a picture taken on slide like this when we were young. But i'm too lazy to find it out. =3= 

Tuesday, June 25, 2013


Omg see what my derp did for me ♥ She is soooo cute, this will be my motivation in life. I LOVE IT THANK YOU :*

Friday, June 21, 2013

Turtle mascot

Aloha :D

Yesterday was my school's sports day, i wasn't planning to go at first. But then Carmen from Ledang asked me if i could be the mascot for Rumah Ledang, so i thought :"Kay la, last year alrdy, do something for my Rumah lo." During that time, Carmen only told me that i needed to wear a turtle shell on my back, and that's fine for me. BUT on Wednesday when i got to see my costume, OMG besides the turtle shell, i also needed to wear a green cap and a pair of green shoes that looks like your grandma's. I looked so stupid! Lololol but nevermind i always do stupid things. =3=

On yesterday, the unluckiest thing happened to me on my last year of sports day. Due to some bus problem, i reached the stadium at 9.30am. D: The pembarisan were all readied. I quickly wore on my costume and stood beside the marchers. I thought my costume was embarrassing enough but thank god there's a male mermaid in Rumah Ledang's marching team hahaha. I was so so so awkward when my marching team was marching! I was just standing aside cause i didn't know what to do! SO AWKWARD. And somehow Ledang's marching team won the first prize. I guess our mermaid was just too gorgeous haha.

Hello this is our mermaid :3 vivit :*

Oh and... I would rather be the crab than the turtle =3=

*These pic are from my friends' fb album cause i didn't take any pic :P

Monday, June 10, 2013

Half year till freedom?

结果只睡了几个小时,今天眼睛很干 -.-
两个星期的假期怎么这么快就过了啊!我还有一套戏还没追完叻 =3=

结果我就kacao了坐我旁边的秀倩整整4节的时间 =_=

今天去了Puan Tan那边拿我的sijil anugerah cemerlang,
Ying Kee去拿时她讲了一大堆东西,为什么Hari Anugerah Cemerlang当天没有来啦,blablabla 一大堆 XD

记得我Form3拿Form2 Bahasa Cina Terbaik时,很天真的向秀倩说:“我明年要拿Form3数学最高分!”
“明年我们是拿PMR sijil而已啦,没有这些terbaik的”
“那就后年咯 =3=”

可能以后毕业了我就忘了Add maths 是什么东西了,哈哈 :P

Monday, June 3, 2013

Fight for spm

Oh noooo one week of holiday had just past ;( What have i done? 2 hong kong dramas. Lolololol. Didn't touch my homework at all for the week. And i think it's time to start doing my add maths folio already. Add maths folio? I bet you never heard of it, cause i also never knew there's add math project work. This project work is for trial exam and my teacher said it can be finished in two days. Lol never believe her cause she's pro and i'm not. Uhh don't know how to start the work.

Actually i'm just here to type nonsense cause i have no idea what to write and i don't wanna study. Lol. And also, i wanna keep this blog updated. Meowie and I pledged that we will start our study for trial exam after one week holiday. And i'm supposed to be studying something now but....... no way :( I recently don't have the motivation to study. OH PLEASE STOP BEING A LAST MINUTE GIRL. NO MORE PROCRASTINATION! Okay... i'll do it.... later. 

To 'condolence' the end of 'our holiday', we already went for a movie last thursday and hope to have some fun before we focus on study. Lol but i've been playing computer since this morning. I bet she's watching tv or stalking her EXO lol. Why we always set unreachable target? The target seems easy but difficult for us to take action and achieve it. Cause we're lazieeeeee :D 

Alright, i should start to sit on study table and not computer table.

Friday, May 24, 2013


Hellooooo bloggie ;D Feel so guilty cause i've neglected my blog for such a long time-more than one month! In one of my previous posts i even promised that i will update more frequent but that's a total "perjanjian kosong" =w=

So for the time i didn't update, i was really preparing for my mid term exam. Yet i still needed to burn midnight oil during exam cause my study speed is really slow. Duhh i did quite bad in this exam. Just keep lying to myself that "I will do better in trial!" And i think after spm trial i'll lie to myself again "I will do better in spm!" Lololol.

Well, YEAH mid term exam is over! I've literally became a zombie after exam. Rawrrr :P Screwed for my biology and physics. And pjk. Hahahahha i didn't blacken my answer on the answer sheet from ques 1 to 15. Those are fill-in-blank ques so i just fill in the blank on the question paper but i didn't realize that there are ABCD option beside each answer that you needed to blacken on your answer sheet. So yea... i almost fail my pjk hahaah lol luckily it's just pjk. And i'm the only one who do this?!! Why are the others so smart =3=


Yo it's my class photo shooting day for school magazine. We all went around Bandar Sri Damansara after school for taking pictures and i had a really awesome day with them.

My classmates are the most awesome classmates ever! Really thank them for giving such memorable day to me ;) A big crowd of blue shirts people walking on the street really caught some attention haha :P

If you can find me from this picture, I LOVE YOU, YOU ARE MY FRIEND. We set the camera up there and rui jian clicked the button and quickly slid down for a group photo. He slid down and the water splashed on my face and duh... Lol never mind this is freestyle right, i guess my "pose" is also counted as freestyle.

Oh well this is much more better :P


Yeahhhh an outing with my gang! Finally six of us were all there ;D We went to Timesquare :D Well, of course karaoke, we need to shout to celebrate that the exam is finally over hahah ;P I had a really really really good time with them in karaoke room. Really high today, the best day yay! Teehee :D

Six people fitted in one. Nyek nyek my pro skill :P Eww ignore my noob face. I like this pic ;D

This photo is taken in a shop. We took their spectacles and camwhore. The stuff seemed to dislike us but YOLO :P

Weeee with cutie hui jeng. Hope i don't have to wait too long to meet you again! ;) Lets go yamcha after you got your license!

We also gave Shiew Chien her birthday present today. It seems too early but we hardly have time where six of us can gather together so we made it today. We made a puzzle with the photo we taken in karaoke room. But we are really bad planner. With Shiew Chien's smartness, she must had sensed something wrong when we're acting so 'abnormally'. I hope you like the present! ;) We love you :*

Thanks angel for giving me such amazing friends in my life :) 

Thursday, April 11, 2013


Helloooo April ;D Okay i know i'm super late. Because i'm quite busy these days due to the homeworks, club stuff and bm oral test. Okay la actually i didn't spend much time for the preparation of bm oral but i still feel more relaxing after i've done the oral test today.

Why does everything come flooding in to make me busy when i decided to start my revision for mid term? :@ AND my exam may be earlier because my school may be chosen for the election venue. omgg fml.

Alright just a short post for now because today is soooo fun :D It's my school's Carnival Science and Maths! I got to see many interesting science stuffs again :D

I didn't know Jaymie took photo of me until she posted this on facebook because i was so excited at that time! Can you see? The block goes so high and i'm so high too. This game ended with DRAW! Because there's no more moves yay! My very first time playing blocks until this level hahaha. WEE so happy ;D

Sunday, March 31, 2013



Weeee I went to Hui Jeng's house with Shiew Chien and Siew Huey. Louise and Suet Yen couldn't join us, i bet they are so damn regret and sad now cause we had so much fun at her house :D

Hui Jeng's mummy is so niceeee. She prepared steamboat for us and also fruit juices after dinner. Yummy! Hui Jeng's house is so big, we initially thought to have steamboat outside the house but too bad it rained! But that's okay we still had a great time. Chatted for a long time during steamboat time. We also met Hui Jeng's brother. Her brother is sooo hyperactive and talkative. He kept joking with us haha!

After we filled our stomach with food, we sat at the small living room and play poker. We are girls so we must take pictures haha. We took so many funny and stupid pictures and we wanted to upload to facebook in our secret group. When i on wifi, i received a link my sister sent me, it's a kiyomi video by Joseph Germani. I watched the video with them and then Hui Jeng said:"What about we made a kiyomi video too?" I thought she was joking. "Seriously want arr?" "Ya la!" "Okay!" YOLO RIGHT? Shiew Chien and Siew Huey just watched me and Hui Jeng do it, they don't know what kiyomi is.

So Hui Jeng and I started to learn the steps of the song. It's actually quite easy to learn but we kept forgetting the steps when we were recording the video. Despite N times of failure, we did it! Hahahahah lol. Don't worry i'm not gonna upload the video for everyone's sake haha! I looked so idiot in the video, ishhh trying to act cute but failed haha!

The most serious photo i can find haha!

Just a small gathering filled with loves ♥ :D

Friday, March 29, 2013


On my 16th birthday, she made me cookies. So i thought i should bake something for her too to show how much she loves me. Lol. My mom don't know how to bake, so i asked my aunt to teach me but her house's oven is not yet ready. So what we made? Tadaa---

Ikr! It's kinda weird. It's neither dong-zhi nor chinese new year but we made tangyuan and jiao-zi. Lol! Jiao-zi is what i wanted to gift Meowie, the tang-yuan...my aunt made it for fun. 

And i know i know, giving jiao-zi as birthday present is so hilarious. It's like your leftover chinese new year food and so you give it to other people lol. But i only know how to make this! I know you will still love it right? ;) 

Are the bubbles on those jiao-zi considered nice..or not? I don't know but whatever just eat it, it will end up becoming bolus in your stomach anyway. (i'm sorry if this is disgusting XD)

These sizes of jiao-zi is so small and cute! You know what size i usually make? Size of a karipap! This mini version is just for you ;P

My mummy and sister keep laughing at me but WHATEVER, the most important is that you're sincere right?  And this is your daughter and your sister: the stupid me! ;P TEEHEE (Oh no, i should stop the 'teehee' cause ryan said it's lame lol)

Thursday, March 28, 2013


Once upon a time, i met this girl named Ying Chi at my tuition centre. I remember she came to the tuition centre for the first time, she sat on the same table with me because she knows the girl who sat beside me at that time aka Zhi Xin. Zhi Xin is our mutual friend. The three of us started chatting, but we weren't so close at that time cause we only had the same topic when Zhi Xin's there. The first time we talked to each other (like officially) when Zhi Xin's not there was when we were having English tuition. I forgot how we started talking, we joked a little. But when the teacher was teaching again, we immediately stopped talking and focused on our exercise. At that time, i really thought like, wow she's a good girl who can joke but also serious on study. However, after we got closer and closer, i realised my first impression of her is totally opposite to her real personality! :P

She is a really great friend of mine. She shares candy and chocolate with me. :D She lets me tickle her even though she's so scare of it until she have phobia hhahaha. She became so sensitive whenever someone put their hand near her waist. Lol. She is childish and insane just like me. We did stupid things together. Even our biology and chemistry tuition teacher said:"Normally boys are the noisy one in class but this class is an exception, both of you are so noisy!"

Rockerienz, sexy lips, bikini doggie, m&m mcflurry, love letter to *ahemm*, one day i'm gonna be big like you!, p.r.o.,mr. nomel.... and much much more. OMG i have so many memories with you! I know you're already smiling right now IKR! Not gonna lie, i had learned so many things from you. And your personality is just amazing, a good friend anyone could ever ask for.

I appreciate everything you had done for me and being my friend for years. Our friendship is just a starting point, we still have a long journey to go! Friendship forever! HAPPY BIRTHDAY!! ♥

Friday, March 22, 2013


有一点点东西想写 :D 
最近我班的男生不知道怎么了,都爱扮女生啊。 =3= 
最厉害的是竟然扮到比女生还娇 omg -.- 
你们走宝了!Top student Bala 穿sary啊! 

昨天SPM成绩公布时,我得知了我学校有一位同学拿十一个A+!OMG 她是怎么办到的
她还被邀请去PJ那边拿奖了。恭喜恭喜,我学校终于有一件上新闻而又不是丑事的事了 ;D 

五月就是Mid Term了,mid term对中五生来说是蛮重要的,
怎么那么快,我都还没玩够了 =3= 
真的,明天不是考试的话我才不会去读书,但是为了SPM,我会尽力的 :) 

今天我的学校越野赛跑,今年越野赛跑不是绕学校跑,而是去Taman Layang跑。
中间有一个大大的湖,湖面可以看到对面树木和建筑物的倒影,美极了! ;D 
过后我还有跟朋友去那里的游乐设备玩,啊哈哈,玩的还蛮兴起的 ;P 

Tuesday, March 19, 2013




然后她就念了三个人的名字出来,其中包括我的名字:“Loke yuet wah, 36”


我的强项是add maths,可是昨天数学老师派modern maths考卷时,
所以昨天最后一节上她的节时,她坐在前面改add maths考卷,
连我自己也吓到,深怕我的add maths 会拿B,担心了一整天。




Wednesday, March 13, 2013

Long time no see ;D

Oh my godness! Look at my last post's date! February 18! I'd not update my blog for one month! Almost one month D: Totally broke my own record lol. I promise myself this wouldn't happen again. I wasn't that busy actually, i just don't have much time to online.

Oh yeah! My exam is over! Overrr ;D Now i can lay on sofa all day and watch drama and be a big fat doggie lol. For the past few years, i usually study until midnight everyday during exam period. But i don't know why this time exam i'm quite relax that i sleep at 11pm everyday lol.

Biology and physics paper are quite difficult. :( Today my biology teacher distributed our biology paper, i didn't expect her to mark so fast, we just had the exam yesterday and today she already finished marking all the papers! Maybe she's so gan jiong want to know our result lol. Fortunately i get A for my bio or maybe A+ if i get full pebel marks. Lucky me haha! :D

I stole this photo from my 5Arif group. This is my class' polaroid. Each Arifian has a polaroid of them including our beloved class teacher, Puan Wong ;) "Your class is damn rich," said a 5B student. Indeed, polaroid is quite expensive, each piece cost RM3. But as long as we're happy :P We put these polaroids on our noticeboard today and we made a "5A!" and it is awesome! WEE :D

My name on my quartermaster shirt last year sport day :D I'm also a QM of my school's coming road run :D

I actually have no idea what's more to write...
Oh ya congratulation to Louise on winning the first prize in chinese poem recital competition today!

My dad is so cute and funny omg. I love him ♥
Lol i just thought of his funny things suddenly.

Lol kay bye! ;)

Monday, February 18, 2013

CNY 2013

Hellooooooo bloggie ;) It;s been a while. The cny holiday had just past but i skipped school today because i'm so tired and i haven't finish my holiday homework. Giving holiday homework should be illegal! Holiday is meant to play! :P

At first i thought cny holiday would be boring for me because i don't need to balik kampung. I live in my hometown which is Sungai Buloh. I remember a teacher asked me this series of really funny questions two years ago. Or my answers are really really funny:

"Got balik kampung?"
"Where's your kampung?"
"Sungai Buloh."
"Where do you live?"
"Sungai Buloh."
"Where your father from?"
"Sungai Buloh."
"Where your mother from?"
"Sungai Buloh."
"Haha, so next time you also marry with a Sungai Buloh guy and live in Sungai Buloh la."


Ok ok go back to what i wanted to say. I thought this holiday would be boring but what came out was totally opposite! The first day and the second day of cny was quite free cause all i did was just go back to my old house in New Village, Sungai Buloh and my grandmother's house and bai nian. But the following days were BUSY. My parents made a quick decision to go to Melaka on the third day and fourth day of cny, with my aunts' familys. On cny's fourth day night, when i haven't reach home from Melaka, my cousin gave a call to invite me to Sungai Lembing for two days because she didn't has a person to accompany her. Well i'm so kind-hearted and i wanted to go too so i said ok. After i came back from Sungai Lembing, it was already Saturday. I had tuition on that day and i needed to go to OU with my friends. Bobian i like to play even though i was quite exhausted. On Sunday which is yesterday, when i thought i can finally sleep and rest at home, my dad decided to bring us for a movie at OU and my sister wanted to buy a new phone. It's family day, how can i not join? And and and, exam is coming! I can't have sufficient sleep for the following weeks! I haven't started my revision T^T

CNY Day 3&4 

Now i'm gonna blog about my Melaka trip. This is my second time to Melaka so some places are familiar. On the first day in Melaka, we arrived at A'Famosa. We went to the Safari first cause my cute cousins are all kids. So i took plenty photos of animals. lololol. Next, Water World. Didn't stay for too long time at there because it rained.

Then we went to hotel. On the second day, Stadthuys and some places that i don't know their names. Haha we didn't had the famous chicken rice ball and satay celup, but that's okay because i tasted them last time when i went Melaka with friend. Yupp, just a simple trip like that. :)

My sister hurted her leg during this trip when we were visiting a ship-like museum that i don't know its name too. But luckily we met a doctor there and she helped my sister. I don't know where she come from but she's white. blablabla thank you so much! ;)

Here are few photos, really few because i'm so lazy to upload. :P

My two cute cousins. They are the type of girl who won't run away when camera point at them. I admit i'm not the type of girl, sometimes, lol. :P

My family photo without my youngest sis cause she was reluctant to take photo.

My two aunts' family. ;)

Oh hey, i almost forgot this. I took photo with two snakes on my shoulder in Safari. D: I was so not ready when the person put a snake on my shoulder without my permission! My sisters and cousins quickly ran away when they saw the person holding a snake but when i was still figuring out why they ran away, she already put the snake on my shoulder. To make me more scared, she put a second one! And then another staff said, "Look at here and smile!" and then took a picture of me.

Those people never ask for money when they help me to take this picture. It's up to you whether to buy the picture or not. My mom bought it for memory sake. lololololololol.

CNY Day 5&6

Sungai Lembing. My second time to this place too. But the last time i stayed in Kuantan, this time i stayed in Sungai Lembing, which is a really kampung place. But the place for me to sleep wasn't too bad even though we need to share toilet with other tenants. ;P

On the first day we reached there, we were searching for food. But almost all the restaurants at Sg. Lembing were either closed or sold out of food. So we headed to Kuantan to have our lunner(lunch+dinner lol). Then we went to a beach. I don't know its name but i went there before. We took photos there. My cousin is a amateur photographer. I haven't get the photos from him so i'll use mere words to describe.

On the second day, we woke up in early morning to climb Bukit Panorama. It was so tiring! On halfway to the top of the hill, i was really exhausted and i didn't know whether to continue going uphill or just give up and go downhill. But i keep on going uphill. When we reached the top, it was 6.30am. We waited for the sunrise. The sky looked like it was going to rain, we prayed prayed and prayed. Please, the last time i climbed i didn't get to see the sunrise so this time hopefully i can see it. But it rained! Sad case. ;( Going uphill is tiring, going downhill is dangerous and you need to be really careful especially after a rain.

Later we went to a waterfall called ... Sungai Pandan something something... Whatever, and then we went back home.

CNY Day 7

Went to OU with Shiew Chien, Siew Huey, Louise, Ken, Wei Leong and Kai Xian. We sang karaoke. I'll remember to invite Mei Yan next time cause i need someone to sing Taylor Swift's songs like siao with me! :D And then we played snooker. My very first time! Wei Leong is a pro at this wow! o.o I want to play again next time ;)

CNY Day 8

Family day. We went to OU to watch "Journey To The West". I only watched one movie during this cny. =3= This movie is nice and sooo funny because this is a Stephen Chow production! ;P So many slapping-table-laughing scenes in this movie hahahah. After we enjoyed the movie, we walked around to look for my sister's new phone and a tablet.

Well that's all for this post. Bye! I think i won't have time to update lately cause i'll be busy preparing for exam. Duhhhhh BUSY.

Friday, February 8, 2013

Mocking Jay

Happy Chinese New Year and Happy Holiday everyone! ;) 

"May the odds be ever in your favor" Haha the words i made for my class. I drew a mocking jay too but i gave it to Mei Yan right after i finished it, so i didn't take a photo of it. I'm so happy that my classmates like this! ;D They seem to like the mocking jay more cause it's so cool ;) Thank Shiew Chien too, she helped me to cut the words! And... my dad and my sis was photobombing -,-

OMG i have so many homework to be done during cny ;( My class monitor and assistant monitor absent today, so Rui Jian be the temporary monitor today. He likes shouting "Class stand, good morning teacher." And how we greeted our teachers today was like, "Good morning teacher, Happy Chinese New Year teacher." hoping the teachers won't give any homework cause it's cny! But they did anyway -,-

“玫瑰,你以为你很难折吗?还不是被我征服了! :P”
我今天终于体会到刚学会折玫瑰的人的感受了!哈哈哈 很开心 hohoho
其实是我昨天晚上突然想通的,可是那时我已经躺在床上了,所以今天早上再折,然后找朋友教,然后就学会了! ;D
学会折后我觉得其实没有很难而已,为什么我昨天那么笨? 囧

Thursday, February 7, 2013



结果只折到前面的几个步骤,后面的全忘了 =__= 记性真不好
然后很串酱跟玫瑰讲:“你以为你很难折吗?还不是被我征服了! :P”

下个星期就是农历新年了!WEEEEE ;D
我们从太阳晒晒做到天空起风,然后再做到天黑黑,总共做了五六的小时 D:
原来紫菜饼很容易做而已,还有,我会捏角仔了 Weeeee :D
新年来我家我就请你吃,可是我不保证还有剩哦 :PPP

“风和日丽春常驻,人寿幸爱福永存” 其实我不知道我有没有把上联和下联调转 XD
我自己也用红包封做了星星来布置家里 :D

祝大家新年快乐,万事如意,身体健康,心想事成! ;)


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