Monday, July 8, 2013

Minions fever


BABABA-BABANANA! The banana fever is back lol. People been talking about minions a lot lately. Kay lah, i like cute minions too. >_< 

想打英文的,可是感觉很kek shui,想打华语的,可是感觉也很kek shui。

昨天跟晓慧和我妹去OU看电影,一次过看2套:Despicable Me 2 & World War Z
晓慧想看World War Z很久了,可是他问了很多人都没有人可以跟他看
我们知道那天郑嘉颖有来,可是因为看戏时间撞上他来的时间,所以就错过了看leng zai的机会 =3=

说实话,Despicable Me 2的笑点其实没有很高(本人笑点很高的ok,我可以淡定地看完一本平旦漫画)
除了Minions,这套戏里最可爱的就是Agnes了!她好天真好可爱哦,我太喜欢她了 >w< 
Minion在戏结尾唱的那2首歌也很搞笑,我那时候看到那只Minion在扮深情唱情歌时真的是有种想去揍他的冲动 XD 
这是其中一首,我现在才知道原来歌词中有underwear LOL 


看完Despicable我们就赶去gsc看World War,
World War Z真的很好看,很刺激,看到其中一幕时我的心脏跳得比将军令还快。
虽然知道主角不会出事的(戏都是这样的啦),可是还是会跟着他一起紧张。(我好入戏哦 XD)

在OU的Mcd吃午餐时,本来是想要买happy meal的(有minion送),可是那边的mcd竟然没有happy meal! =3= 

Monday, July 1, 2013


You would not believe your eyes
If ten million fireflies
Lit up the world as I fell asleep


The above picture was the evening scene of Kuala Selangor, how beautiful! 
Yea so yesterday i went to Kuala Selangor with my aunt, uncle, my pretty cousins and my sista :D My sisters and i had zero idea that we would be going Kuala Selangor yesterday. My cousin suddenly called me in the afternoon and said:"Hey, standby! We're going to Kuala Selangor later!" WHAT Okay... We went there around 2pm. When we reached there, we had a hi-tea first. And then went to Bukit Melawati(so many monkeys at there XD) and an aquarium(i think so) by the tourist train. 

After that we went to a restaurant to have seafood meal. Uhh that restaurant got blacklisted by us. We waited quite long for the food. And when i had my first bite of the lala, it's cold WTH. I don't mind if you cooked that two hour ago, but at least reheat for us la! So after that i didn't have a good mood to enjoy to food. 

After the meal, FIREFLIES! We initially thought to go home after meal cause it's late already and we're having school on the other day, but i forgot whose idea was that to watch fireflies anyway. :D Our Kuala Selangor Trip is a happy trip with fireflies, it wouldn't be complete without fireflies :DDD 

The fireflies were really amazing and beautiful! We watched the fireflies on sampan, the man rowed the sampan near a tree and we can see the tree was flashing because there were so many fireflies on it! It looked just like a christmas tree! I really didn't believe my eyes and i thought it was fake until a firefly landed on my hand! OMG At that moment, i wished i could catch a bottle of fireflies and bring it home. But... leave them at the trees for the others to enjoy la :D Too bad my poor phone camera couldn't take any picture of the fireflies at night but the wonderful scene had been captured by my eyes and it will be saved in my heart forever. 

The girls ;) I don't know why we take pictures at the playground. 

My sister and i. I remember we have a picture taken on slide like this when we were young. But i'm too lazy to find it out. =3= 


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