Sunday, March 31, 2013



Weeee I went to Hui Jeng's house with Shiew Chien and Siew Huey. Louise and Suet Yen couldn't join us, i bet they are so damn regret and sad now cause we had so much fun at her house :D

Hui Jeng's mummy is so niceeee. She prepared steamboat for us and also fruit juices after dinner. Yummy! Hui Jeng's house is so big, we initially thought to have steamboat outside the house but too bad it rained! But that's okay we still had a great time. Chatted for a long time during steamboat time. We also met Hui Jeng's brother. Her brother is sooo hyperactive and talkative. He kept joking with us haha!

After we filled our stomach with food, we sat at the small living room and play poker. We are girls so we must take pictures haha. We took so many funny and stupid pictures and we wanted to upload to facebook in our secret group. When i on wifi, i received a link my sister sent me, it's a kiyomi video by Joseph Germani. I watched the video with them and then Hui Jeng said:"What about we made a kiyomi video too?" I thought she was joking. "Seriously want arr?" "Ya la!" "Okay!" YOLO RIGHT? Shiew Chien and Siew Huey just watched me and Hui Jeng do it, they don't know what kiyomi is.

So Hui Jeng and I started to learn the steps of the song. It's actually quite easy to learn but we kept forgetting the steps when we were recording the video. Despite N times of failure, we did it! Hahahahah lol. Don't worry i'm not gonna upload the video for everyone's sake haha! I looked so idiot in the video, ishhh trying to act cute but failed haha!

The most serious photo i can find haha!

Just a small gathering filled with loves ♥ :D

Friday, March 29, 2013


On my 16th birthday, she made me cookies. So i thought i should bake something for her too to show how much she loves me. Lol. My mom don't know how to bake, so i asked my aunt to teach me but her house's oven is not yet ready. So what we made? Tadaa---

Ikr! It's kinda weird. It's neither dong-zhi nor chinese new year but we made tangyuan and jiao-zi. Lol! Jiao-zi is what i wanted to gift Meowie, the aunt made it for fun. 

And i know i know, giving jiao-zi as birthday present is so hilarious. It's like your leftover chinese new year food and so you give it to other people lol. But i only know how to make this! I know you will still love it right? ;) 

Are the bubbles on those jiao-zi considered nice..or not? I don't know but whatever just eat it, it will end up becoming bolus in your stomach anyway. (i'm sorry if this is disgusting XD)

These sizes of jiao-zi is so small and cute! You know what size i usually make? Size of a karipap! This mini version is just for you ;P

My mummy and sister keep laughing at me but WHATEVER, the most important is that you're sincere right?  And this is your daughter and your sister: the stupid me! ;P TEEHEE (Oh no, i should stop the 'teehee' cause ryan said it's lame lol)

Thursday, March 28, 2013


Once upon a time, i met this girl named Ying Chi at my tuition centre. I remember she came to the tuition centre for the first time, she sat on the same table with me because she knows the girl who sat beside me at that time aka Zhi Xin. Zhi Xin is our mutual friend. The three of us started chatting, but we weren't so close at that time cause we only had the same topic when Zhi Xin's there. The first time we talked to each other (like officially) when Zhi Xin's not there was when we were having English tuition. I forgot how we started talking, we joked a little. But when the teacher was teaching again, we immediately stopped talking and focused on our exercise. At that time, i really thought like, wow she's a good girl who can joke but also serious on study. However, after we got closer and closer, i realised my first impression of her is totally opposite to her real personality! :P

She is a really great friend of mine. She shares candy and chocolate with me. :D She lets me tickle her even though she's so scare of it until she have phobia hhahaha. She became so sensitive whenever someone put their hand near her waist. Lol. She is childish and insane just like me. We did stupid things together. Even our biology and chemistry tuition teacher said:"Normally boys are the noisy one in class but this class is an exception, both of you are so noisy!"

Rockerienz, sexy lips, bikini doggie, m&m mcflurry, love letter to *ahemm*, one day i'm gonna be big like you!, p.r.o.,mr. nomel.... and much much more. OMG i have so many memories with you! I know you're already smiling right now IKR! Not gonna lie, i had learned so many things from you. And your personality is just amazing, a good friend anyone could ever ask for.

I appreciate everything you had done for me and being my friend for years. Our friendship is just a starting point, we still have a long journey to go! Friendship forever! HAPPY BIRTHDAY!! ♥

Friday, March 22, 2013


有一点点东西想写 :D 
最近我班的男生不知道怎么了,都爱扮女生啊。 =3= 
最厉害的是竟然扮到比女生还娇 omg -.- 
你们走宝了!Top student Bala 穿sary啊! 

昨天SPM成绩公布时,我得知了我学校有一位同学拿十一个A+!OMG 她是怎么办到的
她还被邀请去PJ那边拿奖了。恭喜恭喜,我学校终于有一件上新闻而又不是丑事的事了 ;D 

五月就是Mid Term了,mid term对中五生来说是蛮重要的,
怎么那么快,我都还没玩够了 =3= 
真的,明天不是考试的话我才不会去读书,但是为了SPM,我会尽力的 :) 

今天我的学校越野赛跑,今年越野赛跑不是绕学校跑,而是去Taman Layang跑。
中间有一个大大的湖,湖面可以看到对面树木和建筑物的倒影,美极了! ;D 
过后我还有跟朋友去那里的游乐设备玩,啊哈哈,玩的还蛮兴起的 ;P 

Tuesday, March 19, 2013




然后她就念了三个人的名字出来,其中包括我的名字:“Loke yuet wah, 36”


我的强项是add maths,可是昨天数学老师派modern maths考卷时,
所以昨天最后一节上她的节时,她坐在前面改add maths考卷,
连我自己也吓到,深怕我的add maths 会拿B,担心了一整天。




Wednesday, March 13, 2013

Long time no see ;D

Oh my godness! Look at my last post's date! February 18! I'd not update my blog for one month! Almost one month D: Totally broke my own record lol. I promise myself this wouldn't happen again. I wasn't that busy actually, i just don't have much time to online.

Oh yeah! My exam is over! Overrr ;D Now i can lay on sofa all day and watch drama and be a big fat doggie lol. For the past few years, i usually study until midnight everyday during exam period. But i don't know why this time exam i'm quite relax that i sleep at 11pm everyday lol.

Biology and physics paper are quite difficult. :( Today my biology teacher distributed our biology paper, i didn't expect her to mark so fast, we just had the exam yesterday and today she already finished marking all the papers! Maybe she's so gan jiong want to know our result lol. Fortunately i get A for my bio or maybe A+ if i get full pebel marks. Lucky me haha! :D

I stole this photo from my 5Arif group. This is my class' polaroid. Each Arifian has a polaroid of them including our beloved class teacher, Puan Wong ;) "Your class is damn rich," said a 5B student. Indeed, polaroid is quite expensive, each piece cost RM3. But as long as we're happy :P We put these polaroids on our noticeboard today and we made a "5A!" and it is awesome! WEE :D

My name on my quartermaster shirt last year sport day :D I'm also a QM of my school's coming road run :D

I actually have no idea what's more to write...
Oh ya congratulation to Louise on winning the first prize in chinese poem recital competition today!

My dad is so cute and funny omg. I love him ♥
Lol i just thought of his funny things suddenly.

Lol kay bye! ;)


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