Monday, March 7, 2016
ABC and TBC 2016
ABC Day 2016 - Can i call this my first event? XD
Yesterday was the big day--ABC Day!! Having to reach my campus at 4am, i only slept for 3+ hours since i had a talk to attend on the day before ABC. Thank you Yi Yao for allowing me to overnight at her hostel! And sorry Shirley for conquering your bed for two days! T-T
Yesterday's event was a great success! I felt really blessed to be a part of this team, all my seniors are so awesome and competent! They have committed so so much for this event. Thank you and bow x100 to their hardwork! Even though i'm just a tiny role in this team, i'm really proud to see that we got almost 600 participants! So gam dong to see this number cause in the first week of booth opening, we only got less than 100 participants. This had brought so much pressure to the core committees and they had to come out with so many ways to promote this event. Thanks god in the end, we not only exceeded our 500 target, we got almost 600! My publicity team leader even cried at the post event meeting. Ouch sam tong T-T, she must had received so much stress and pressure from our dean. Don't cry my dear leader, we all know that you have given your best for this event. Less than 3.
The best part of joining this event as a committee is the bonding with my course mates and seniors! So good to know that the seniors are actually friendly and fun to work with! I have gained and learnt so many things, i'm really thankful for my decision to join this event.
At the very beginning of my degree, i had wanted to involve in more activities cause i know that i'll definitely learn something that i will never learn from academic, also i wanted to know more people (i was too shy back in foundation)! I took this as a challenge in my first semester. Good enough, i got the chance to be a subject rep, this allowed me to know my course mates - a good beginning cause my class size is not small ya! Then i went to interview for the PHC recruit, but boooo didnt get selected maybe cause my interview performance wasn't so good. And then ABC recruit came! Again i wrote my name in the list and went for the first meeting. At first i volunteered for yoga department, but after i saw 9 people also volunteered for this department that they had to choose only 3, i was like, aiya no hope liao. Then publicity department went on stage to do briefing and recruitment, i suddenly had the urge to join this department cause since few years ago, i wanted to learn how to use photoshop but never got the chance to. So i raised up my hand! And yeah i'm a part of ABC Day 2016 Publicity Department! Even though joining this department didn't mean that there will be someone to teach me how to use photoshop, but at least i had the reason to spend time to self-learn! And now, i can call myself a photoshop expert alrdy. Haha just kidding! Not an expert but at least know how to use lah so yeah. ;P
TBC 2016 - My first camp
In February, I joined Team Building Camp with the aim to get closer with my course mates and seniors. And yes! So much bonding between juniors and seniors! To those who didn't join, regret now!!! :P
This is the first camp in my life, and also the best! My group, Lion King won the first prize and Eugene from my group won the best camper - too much awesomeness in my group. :D So much fun in this camp, from station games to group performance to the campfire, everything is the first time for me! Thanks to all the committees and facilitators of this year TBC, i really enjoyed this camp!
Sibeh proud of this flag. On the first day of camp when we just started to work as a group, i was still quite shy but i'm so glad that i took the initiative to volunteer to draw this flag (i'm a shy person so me taking initiative really took courage okay), so happy that it came out so cool! We painted this together and at that time, i started to feel our teamwork alrdy. Our group presentation (flag and group cheer) got the highest point, i already felt proud of my group on the first day. :D
I danced. In front of all the campers. Three times. Why did i do this to myself!! The first time was a punishment, those who lost the game danced Up & Down together. The second time was for my group performance, i dance Gentleman with my group members. And the third time, we needed to do our group performance again in front of Dr Lee SK cause our group won the first prize (i was the subject rep for Dr Lee's subject last semester =_=).
Speaking of my group performance, we also got the highest point among all six groups, can my group be anymore awesome?! Oh my image, i did bi-dong with a guy for the performance. Not the guy bi-dong me, I bi-dong the guy. I was so wah-jie hahah! I thought bi-dong would be funny for our performance sketch so i suggested it, mana tau at the end i was the one who played that role LOL! That scene was totally Pinocchio: Trying to run away then 'pak' block his way, turn to opposite side then 'pak' block again, trying to escape then move down lol!! This scene was even continued with an attempt-to-kiss scene! 形象一去不归来! Luckily the audiences liked it and i think this scene was the reason why my group got the highest point haha!
My group with our kong-ming-deng. Did i forgot to mention that we got the only Indian in the camp in our group? Haha she's awesome and she can converses in Chinese quite well! Wish all of you the best of luck in the future, i'm really happy to know you all, let's not let our friendship end after the camp! Love you all! :D
Saturday, December 26, 2015
Christmas 2015
So instead of going to the orphanage, we switched our plan to hunt for dessert(which was our original plan actually). I have drooled over Haraju Cube for quite a while, so we decided to try that out. Qian was joining us too! But when we reached Empire Damansara, we almost dropped our jaw cause we saw a long queue outside the shop. o_o Never expected this scenario. So being the lazy people that i am, of course i wouldn't wait for that. We went to Uptown Damansara since the choices for dessert in Empire is really limited. We had Every Sundae instead! So yummy and my crave for sweet things was finally satisfied. ;)
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Yum yum salted caramel ice cream. |
We saw many people at Empire Damansara taking photo as if this place is meant for photos or is this like a culture at there? 入乡随俗, so we must take a photo before we left.
After the dessert, steamboat dinner at Qian's! Qian's parents were so nice to us as always, and i really enjoyed the dinner, my stomach was so full that it expanded to occupy half of my abdominal cavity! Kidding, i can't see my viscera organs.
Because we are all foodaholics, not more than half an hour after the dinner, we decided to go out to buy some drinks and snacks. At the supermarket, we talked about our short vacation. So when we came back, we just snack and drink in front of the laptop, searching for some good places for a short chilling vacation. We found a place that suits us-- Sekeping Serendah. It is not far from us, and their glass house is very unique, AND they provide bbq facilities. Very nice for a short getaway, hopefully we can make this plan in next year!
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We're so good at taking ugly photos. |
Thursday, December 24, 2015
My Last Week of December 2015
23 December 2015
So it's a shopping day with Louise! Been so busy with studies last few months and i barely went shopping! Or should i say i haven't buy any cloth for new year! So on Tuesday i texted Louise and asked her if she wanna go One Utama with me, i haven't seen her for months! The last time i met her was in June... half year man! She was so busy with her STPM and me too with my degree. And now that both of us are free, shopping yay!
It was sooo nice to see her again! She's my secondary school best friend, and she's someone that i can talk anything to. I'm really lucky to have her as my friend. ;)
So after the shopping, we went to BSD mamak to meet up with Kai Xian, Siew Huey and Miriam. This is my first time meeting Kai Xian and Miriam after i've graduated from secondary school. They've changed... a bit lah, not much, i mean physically, maybe because i never meet them in these two years. Oh i also met Ken at One Utama. Idk why i was so excited when i saw him and i was like, "Kennnnnn...!!!!" with my finger pointing at him. As if i see any popstar or what LOL!
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Girls outing = selfies!! |
Tuesday, December 22, 2015
Back to blogging... maybe?
Joanne, the degree student.
Okay, let me update myself a little bit. I'm no longer a secondary school student, i have graduated from my secondary school... a long time ago. In fact, i have also done my foundation year, and i'm currently enjoying my semester break after my Y1S1 of degree. Yes! I'm now a degree student! Pursuing my Pharmacy degree. I feel that it's such a waste that i didn't write anything here this whole while! This one year plus has been so meaningful and challenging for me, and in some way it has changed me.
Blogging in the future, hopefully.
So! Since i'm quite free now (sem break woohoo!), i will start blogging here about what i've been doing these two years. Recording things here used to be my hobby, and it's really meaningful for me to look back all those memories. I really hope that i will have the time (and motivation of course) to blog in the future. And also, duhh just bear with my poor english cause i rarely RARELY write any english article now. All i know how to write is laboratory report now, sigh science student life. Haha. Improving my english proficiency- this is also one of the reason why i started blogging again. Well, let's just hope that my passion for blogging won't fade again!
Oh and, Happy Winter Solstice!! :D
Friday, March 21, 2014
3月20日 成绩放榜日
我拿成绩这回事,在我家里只有我爸显得比较紧张。 前几天爸爸跟我讲,星期四拿10个A回来知道吗!我白眼了一下,说:“你以为你女儿很厉害啊!”
我这种懵痴,什么睡不着啊紧张了好几天啊 通通跟我扯不上关系。我在副校长开始念拿8A的学生名字时才开始紧张,心跳加速。她念完了8A的,念9A的。虽然我已经有了最坏的心理准备,可是当然还是希望自己的名字被叫啊。她念完了9A,连10A的都要念完了,我就心想,唉,7A就7A咯,我接受现实。坐在我后面的秀倩还讲:“为什么你的名字还没被念的?”突然感觉好羞愧,干嘛那么看得起我。
Straight A,拿slip的时候真的蛮激动,还有很感谢爸爸对我的信心,被你讲中了,你女儿真棒。
附上一张很丑的照片,打电话给爸爸时哭了出来,然后晓慧很兴奋地叫我拍张照 =w=
Tuesday, December 31, 2013
2013快过完了,感觉要上来写几个字才能安心过完这一年。时间过得真的很快,其实每年的12月31日我都不太会有特别的感觉,因为明天日子还是照过啊。可是今天是我做工的最后一天了,所以会有舍不得的感觉。虽然只做了一个星期多,可是真的蛮舍不得的,放工过后我还emo了一下叻。做工那边的人都很好 T_T 我知道我有做错了一些事,可是很感谢他们的包容,我学到了蛮多东西的。谢谢你们!
其实这份工应该可以继续做下去的,可是没有Zi Qi拍档就没什么乐趣了,而且我也是因为她才去做的啊。她要开学了咯,我也去见另一分工了咯,希望在另一个工作环境可以学到更多的东西! :D
2013对我来说真的是很有意义的一年,这一年我过得很精彩,很满足。我所说的精彩是心灵上的精彩,有起有落,虽说烦恼多了,我一个人安安静静想东西的时间也比往年多了很多,可是那应该是一种磨练 :) 很多事情都不像以前那么简单了。“世界很简单,人类很复杂” 人就是那么矛盾,那么犯贱,那么复杂。
2014也将会是很有意义的一年,我毕业了,离开了我的comfort zone,以后的路要怎样走就得自己决定了。2014将会认识一批新的同学,新的老师,和他们在一个新的校园环境下相处。我不知道那会是个怎样的环境,也不知道会遇到怎样的人,但是我希望以后的日子可以过得很精彩。
星期日,跟我的老婆们去Kepong Jusco(其实是Aeon,可是改不了口)吃晚餐,让我们6个聚一聚,也当作是为雪恩饯行。雪恩要去当兵了咯,祝她一切顺利,在那边可以玩的开开心心。
我和秀倩去Jusco之前先去雪恩家给她生日惊喜,秀倩定了个Chocolate ice cream cake给她。可是雪恩的样子没有很惊喜 =_= 你可以不要这么冷静吗,装个吓到的样子安慰下我们不行吗 ==
我们边吃barbq plaza,边分享我们做工的事情。我们当中除了秋舜和雪恩之外,都有去做工。雪恩准备去当兵所以没做,而秋舜是因为去玩。她很爽咯,去了Australia又去Cambodia。我们吃完了晚餐后,还没讲够,就去甜品店继续讲,讲到人家打烊。如果以后可以经常这样子出来聊天我就感到很幸福了 =w= 秀倩说过等她会驾车后会常来找我喝茶的。我等你电话!
Tuesday, December 24, 2013
OMG 2013 gonna end soon 안돼애애~!
Looking at the calendar and suddenly realized that 2013 has almost come to an end. NOOOO why did time past so fast TT.
I had been really lifeless this december after spm. Lying on sofa and watch runningman and hongkong drama everyday. Well at least I did something not-so-useless: sweep and mop the floor. Lol and hang out with friends. Oh and edu fair.
I finally got a job last saturday. My friend called me and we worked together at the place where I worked for the first time-SSF. I think this job will only last for one week lol cause school gonna reopen(my friend is form4). And what will I do then? Continue the runningman marathon haha.
I always wanted to type an entry every night(the time when all human except for babies will overthink) but it's either my phone has low battery or... laziness makes me give up. I feel like I starting to type nonsense on this blog but whatever no one is browsing. Urghh I really need a place to express all my feelings. !#$&×=% $*)@